Hut Eight
The Importance of Digital Accessibility Training

The Importance of Digital Accessibility Training

In today’s world, accessibility is becoming a crucial focus for organisations, and rightfully so. Embracing accessibility training reflects a conscious effort towards creating inclusive, user-centred designs.

Keeping Your Website Fresh

Keeping Your Website Fresh

In the fast-paced world of digital development, your website can become outdated almost as quickly as it was created. As technology evolves and design trends shift, maintaining a modern and trustworthy website is crucial for user engagement.

Delivering high-quality digital engagement

Delivering high-quality digital engagement

Hut8, a digital development company, has been making waves in the event industry by delivering high-quality digital engagement for its clients.

During the Airmic and Biba events, Hut8 has worked with clients such as AON, Swiss Re, Sompo, and more to create engaging and interactive digital experiences for attendees.